Recent posts

by Jehuda Saar

René Magritte - La Trahison Des Images

I thought this was pretty cute. An adaptation of a famous Magritte painting applied to the iPad. As to what it means, to each his own. This illustration works both for the people who say the iPad is just a big iPhone/iPod touch or for those who say the iPad heralds the beginning of a whole new era in mobile computing.



PhilacteWHAT ?

Late last week I had occasion to debate with some people the now infamous story of the US Airways flight from New York to Kentucky that made an emergency landing in Philadelphia because a crew member saw a boy putting on his tefilin and mistook it for a bomb (sounds like "The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat"). My personal view was that the crew of an American airline company should be aware of tefilin and what they are. Some disagreed with me.

I find the below fake ad to be very appropriate considering the circumstances.




OK, so I promise not to make this site too iPad-centric. It just so happens that so much is being written, discussed, debated about it, it is almost inevitable that I should feel like disseminating some of it. Last night Stephen Colbert even used an iPad while presenting the Grammys. But I read a little piece in the New York Times the other day and David Pogue had this to say:

"Like the iPhone, the iPad is really a vessel, a tool, a 1.5-pound sack of potential. It may become many things. It may change an industry or two, or it may not. It may introduce a new category — something between phone and laptop — or it may not. And anyone who claims to know what will happen will wind up looking like a fool."

Other than that Michael Gartenberg, who always has interesting insights on these sort of things, had the following piece up on

Entelligence: Lessons from the iPad launch - Engadget






Day 1 on my new site

Following the recent introduction of the iPad, there have been a lot of opinions expressed in the press, online and all around me. Knowing that I am somewhat of an Apple-fanatic, I have been asked for my opinion by a number of friends and acquaintances. Usually these comments were accompanied by various criticisms people have picked up in the press. More often than not these comments and criticisms were expressed by journalists who didn't really understand much about the iPad and the potential impact it could have on the way we work and interact with computers. 

To say that the iPad is going to change things is an understatement. I will include two links to articles that I believe express beautifully some of the things we are going to experience. The main gist of it all is that the iPad introduces a concept that should have been part of what using computers was always meant to be: helping us do what we want to achieve. Rather than having to learn new skills, read through mounds of documentation and spend hours in frustration trying to figure out how to get computers to do the simplest things, the iPad is a step in a new direction. One in which we will simply "get the job done". These two gentlemen, however, express it way better than I will ever be able to. Enjoy.


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